Friday, May 22, 2020

Gay Rights in India - 790 Words

Couple of days back marked the 10th year since the release of the movie ‘Fight Club’. Even though I have watched that iconic movie couple of times back I could not abstain from awing at the novel ideas used in the film making. And there came the bathtub scene involving Brad Pitt and Edward Norton widely perceived as homo-erotic .But David Fincher says he purposely made so engaging the audiences on something keeping them from guessing the later twists in the movie. Brad Pitt comments, â€Å"We are one generation of men raised by women. Is another woman is the answer we really need?† How perfectly timed I thought because the same day marked the 40 years since the famous ‘Stone Wall’ riot. Rainbow parades by LGBT right activist were held in†¦show more content†¦Don’t you think that it is ridiculous that these religious fundamentalists and chauvinists[of all religions] who have neither studied medicine nor even had science in their primary education claim Homosexuality a disease while renowned Medicos, Scientists and Psychiatrists of organizations including World Health Organization, United Nations and American Psychiatric Association call it a normal behavior. So Fuc†¦ Oops! Chuck religion. At least in this matter. Long back children who were left-handed were considered witches and children of Satan’s. Parents of those children punished them for being so and coerced them to use their right hand. Later it was proved being south-pawed is nothing more or less than being right handed. Isn’t the alternative sexual orientation the same? Another nonsense theory put forth by these bigots is that Homosexuality will collapse the family system and ethos attached to it and they go even went to such an extent that homosexuals may lure heterosexuals. What a bullshit this is? Like Sean Penn asks in the movie ‘Milk’, â€Å"How could Homosexuality be taught? Is it like French?† This shows how p athetically ignorant these people are. Homosexuality can’t be influenced or taught or lured into. It all depends on the Hormonal content. Sean Penn portrayed Harvey Milk beautifully in that movie. There comes a beautifully scripted argument against the ‘Proposition 6’ [a law which makes gay teachers and their supportersShow MoreRelatedChanging Perpectives of Homosexuality in India1351 Words   |  6 Pagesto organize the first ever march demanding gay rights and file a case in the Delhi High Court challenging the constitutional validity of Section 377. The case was dismissed due to absence of lawyers. The organization also released a report, Less than Gay which was one of the first documents to explore the violence faced by sexuality minorities.62 Then in 2001, activists from Bharosa Trust and Naz Foundation International were accused of running a gay sex club, though they were only working toRead MoreMaking Queer History : The Victors Write History922 Words   |  4 Pagesthem. The other news that covered same-sex relationship always portrayed the men involved as perverts. The first time I came across the word homosexual and gay was in a teen magazine that I read then. It was the first article I read about homosexual individuals and trans-persons, which was in a positive note. That day I said to myself â€Å"I am gay† - I was fourteen then. Later, from time to time I read about homosexual men in last pages of Tamil pulp fictions. The reporting would be that of disgust andRead MoreNew Cultural Spaces Of India Essay938 Words   |  4 Pageswhat is means to be Modern Indian. As ‘out proud’ Gay Indian Man, Shahani hopes to be a catalyst for change in the near future. HOW AND WHEN DID YOU COME TO TERMS WITH YOUR SEXUALITY? It was the time when I was working for Elle Magazine and I was asked to do a story on ‘Changing Gay Scene in India’. It triggered an unsettling feeling in me that - why am I asked to do this in particular. I had a persecution complex and simply denied being gay. I kind of always knew but it was more about articulationRead MoreBeing Gay, By Indian Immigrants1529 Words   |  7 PagesBeing gay in America is difficult. Being gay in America is even more difficult when you’re not quite gay. Being a closeted not-quite gay woman in America, surrounded by Indian immigrants is pretty difficult, too. It’s a bit like staring in a James Bond film, if all of the characters suddenly developed Bollywood accents, and marginally less homicide. Also, I may be exaggerating, because I don’t attract nearly as many Bond Girls, no matter how much I’d like to. Even understanding what â€Å"not-quite gay†Read MoreThe Censorship Of The Indian Constitution1365 W ords   |  6 Pagesincreasingly blurred, right to privacy has gained importance and new dimensions. In the Indian Constitution though the right to privacy is not expressly mentioned, yet it is guaranteed by the constitution under Artice 21. The scope of Article 21 has been widened and it now encompasses the right to privacy. In R.Rajagopal v. State of T.N. the courts observed that the right to privacy is an essential ingredient of the right to life. It becomes pertinent to discuss the right to privacy while discussingRead MoreGay Marriage and Asian Culture Essay848 Words   |  4 PagesAre gay marriages in Asia viewed with the same perspective as in the American context? The history of gay marriage is short but not liked as much. From the history of gay marriages there are an estimated number of 250 million people who live in places which accept gay marriage; this is about 4% of world’s population. In the 2nd century in Rome, men of the same age were legally allowed to marry where they were considered to be pagans and the marriages were conducted by the Mother Goddess (CelesteRead MoreA Social Norm : Transformations, Hybridizations And Adaptation1735 Words   |  7 Pageslike a social norm, hijra does not have rights to have a penis. Transformations, hybridizations and adaptation creates a rubric identity of hijra in Bangladeshi society. Identity transformations of hijra occurred through three collective mechanisms: body performativity, Social and institutional discursive practice and intra communal hierarchical patron-client relation. Contextualize the Research Field The transformation of transgender identity in ancient India is not academically recognized yet thereforeRead MoreAmerican Dream : The United States913 Words   |  4 PagesThe united states of America is a place where everyone have freedom to do whatever they want to do. People also have rights to stand up against other people and to express. People from other countries comes to The United States of America to get freedom and to live high life. People from all around the world comes to the united states to achieve American dream. American dream is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determinationRead MoreWomen Of The United States And The World Is Violating A Person s Human Rights1364 Words   |  6 Pagesand still is violating a person’s human rights. For century’s women, African Americans, gays, and lesbians were the grunt of such unfair treatment. Men thought a women place was in the home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. Whites thought that black people did not deserve any rights because of their skin color. People where against gays and lesbians because of their sexual preference. In some countries women are not allowed to work. In India a great part of the reason they don t workRead MoreMedia Release : Destination Brisbane Consortium1476 Words   |  6 Pagestime to legalise same-sex marriage and set gay people in Australia free. I need your hand, so please vote for me in order to stand up and speak for them. Queensland is the third state of Australia to admit same-sex civil unions by a 47-40 vote to protect gay and lesbian right in Australia. However, there are still a couple of important steps to legalise same-sex marriage. First, the Prime Minister Tony Abbott keeps depriving the chances of voting for gay marriage. Two government MPs, Warren Entsch

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